顺序建议要求推荐人从已记录的用户行为数据中捕获不断发展的行为特征,以进行准确的建议。但是,用户行为序列被视为具有多个正在进行的线程交织在一起的脚本。我们发现,只有一小部分关键行为才能发展为用户的未来动作。结果,用户的未来行为很难预测。我们将每个用户作为行为途径的顺序行为的特征得出结论。不同的用户具有独特的行为途径。在现有的顺序模型中,变压器在捕获全球依赖性特征方面表现出很大的能力。但是,这些模型主要使用自我注意力的机制在所有先前的行为上提供了密集的分布,这使得最终预测被未调整给每个用户的微不足道行为所淹没。在本文中,我们使用新颖的途径注意机制构建了推荐变压器(RETR)。 REOR可以动态地计划为每个用户指定的行为途径,并通过此行为途径很少激活网络,以有效捕获对推荐有用的演变模式。关键设计是一种博学的二进制途径,以防止行为途径被微不足道的行为淹没。我们从经验上验证了RERO在七个现实世界数据集中的有效性,并产生了最先进的性能。
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Existing federated classification algorithms typically assume the local annotations at every client cover the same set of classes. In this paper, we aim to lift such an assumption and focus on a more general yet practical non-IID setting where every client can work on non-identical and even disjoint sets of classes (i.e., client-exclusive classes), and the clients have a common goal which is to build a global classification model to identify the union of these classes. Such heterogeneity in client class sets poses a new challenge: how to ensure different clients are operating in the same latent space so as to avoid the drift after aggregation? We observe that the classes can be described in natural languages (i.e., class names) and these names are typically safe to share with all parties. Thus, we formulate the classification problem as a matching process between data representations and class representations and break the classification model into a data encoder and a label encoder. We leverage the natural-language class names as the common ground to anchor the class representations in the label encoder. In each iteration, the label encoder updates the class representations and regulates the data representations through matching. We further use the updated class representations at each round to annotate data samples for locally-unaware classes according to similarity and distill knowledge to local models. Extensive experiments on four real-world datasets show that the proposed method can outperform various classical and state-of-the-art federated learning methods designed for learning with non-IID data.
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Image token removal is an efficient augmentation strategy for reducing the cost of computing image features. However, this efficient augmentation strategy has been found to adversely affect the accuracy of CLIP-based training. We hypothesize that removing a large portion of image tokens may improperly discard the semantic content associated with a given text description, thus constituting an incorrect pairing target in CLIP training. To address this issue, we propose an attentive token removal approach for CLIP training, which retains tokens with a high semantic correlation to the text description. The correlation scores are computed in an online fashion using the EMA version of the visual encoder. Our experiments show that the proposed attentive masking approach performs better than the previous method of random token removal for CLIP training. The approach also makes it efficient to apply multiple augmentation views to the image, as well as introducing instance contrastive learning tasks between these views into the CLIP framework. Compared to other CLIP improvements that combine different pre-training targets such as SLIP and MaskCLIP, our method is not only more effective, but also much more efficient. Specifically, using ViT-B and YFCC-15M dataset, our approach achieves $43.9\%$ top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K zero-shot classification, as well as $62.7/42.1$ and $38.0/23.2$ I2T/T2I retrieval accuracy on Flickr30K and MS COCO, which are $+1.1\%$, $+5.5/+0.9$, and $+4.4/+1.3$ higher than the SLIP method, while being $2.30\times$ faster. An efficient version of our approach running $1.16\times$ faster than the plain CLIP model achieves significant gains of $+5.3\%$, $+11.3/+8.0$, and $+9.5/+4.9$ on these benchmarks.
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Prompt learning is one of the most effective and trending ways to adapt powerful vision-language foundation models like CLIP to downstream datasets by tuning learnable prompt vectors with very few samples. However, although prompt learning achieves excellent performance over in-domain data, it still faces the major challenge of generalizing to unseen classes and domains. Some existing prompt learning methods tackle this issue by adaptively generating different prompts for different tokens or domains but neglecting the ability of learned prompts to generalize to unseen domains. In this paper, we propose a novel prompt learning paradigm that directly generates domain invariant prompt generalizable to unseen domains, called MetaPrompt. Specifically, a dual-modality prompt tuning network is proposed to generate prompts for inputs from both image and text modalities. More importantly, we propose a meta-learning-based prompt tuning algorithm that explicitly constrains the prompt tuned on a specific domain or class also to achieve good performance on another domain or class. Extensive experiments on 11 datasets for base-to-new generalization and four datasets for domain generalization demonstrate that our method consistently and significantly outperforms existing methods.
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The potential of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is that high-capacity models trained on large, heterogeneous datasets can lead to agents that generalize broadly, analogously to similar advances in vision and NLP. However, recent works argue that offline RL methods encounter unique challenges to scaling up model capacity. Drawing on the learnings from these works, we re-examine previous design choices and find that with appropriate choices: ResNets, cross-entropy based distributional backups, and feature normalization, offline Q-learning algorithms exhibit strong performance that scales with model capacity. Using multi-task Atari as a testbed for scaling and generalization, we train a single policy on 40 games with near-human performance using up-to 80 million parameter networks, finding that model performance scales favorably with capacity. In contrast to prior work, we extrapolate beyond dataset performance even when trained entirely on a large (400M transitions) but highly suboptimal dataset (51% human-level performance). Compared to return-conditioned supervised approaches, offline Q-learning scales similarly with model capacity and has better performance, especially when the dataset is suboptimal. Finally, we show that offline Q-learning with a diverse dataset is sufficient to learn powerful representations that facilitate rapid transfer to novel games and fast online learning on new variations of a training game, improving over existing state-of-the-art representation learning approaches.
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近年来,基于深度学习的模型在视频超分辨率(VSR)方面取得了显着性能,但是这些模型中的大多数不适用于在线视频应用程序。这些方法仅考虑失真质量,而忽略了在线应用程序的关键要求,例如低延迟和模型较低的复杂性。在本文中,我们专注于在线视频传输,其中需要VSR算法来实时生成高分辨率的视频序列。为了应对此类挑战,我们提出了一种基于一种新的内核知识转移方法,称为卷积核旁路移植物(CKBG)。首先,我们设计了一个轻巧的网络结构,该结构不需要将来的帧作为输入,并节省了缓存这些帧的额外时间成本。然后,我们提出的CKBG方法通过用``核移植物)''绕过原始网络来增强这种轻巧的基础模型,这些网络是包含外部预验证图像SR模型的先验知识的额外卷积内核。在测试阶段,我们通过将其转换为简单的单路结构来进一步加速移植的多支球网络。实验结果表明,我们提出的方法可以处理高达110 fps的在线视频序列,并且模型复杂性非常低和竞争性SR性能。
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最近,人重新识别(REID)的隐私问题引起了越来越多的关注,并保留了REID方法使用的行人图像的隐私是必不可少的。去识别(DEID)方法通过删除与REID数据相关的身份来减轻隐私问题。但是,大多数现有的DEID方法倾向于删除所有与个人身份相关的信息,并损害REID任务上的识别数据的可用性。在本文中,我们旨在开发一种可以在REID人士的隐私保护和数据可用性之间实现良好权衡的技术。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了一种新颖的去识别方法,该方法是针对人雷德(Reid)明确设计的,命名人识别转移(PIS)。 PI在保留图像对之间的身份关系的同时,消除了行人图像中的绝对身份。通过利用变异自动编码器的插值属性,PI将每个行人图像从当前身份转移到具有新身份的另一个身份,从而导致图像仍然保留相对身份。实验结果表明,与现有的去识别方法相比,我们的方法在隐私保护和模型性能之间取决于更好的权衡,并且可以防御人类和模型攻击以确保数据隐私。
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